February 19, 2009

Let's Transform the Learning Environment!


1. What significant challenges do you face in terms of your class preparation, readiness, and learning?
2. To what degree, if any, do you think you are receiving a first-class education---an education you can count on as a well-educated person in the job market, in graduate and professional school, in the world community and your hometown?
3. What does a first-class education include?
4. If you could redesign any of your JSU coursework or overall curriculum, what would you change and keep?

Ready to talk about these and related issues? Then join us Tuesday, Feb. 24 from 6-8 p.m. at the campus-wide QEP Student "Let's Talk" Forum at the Student Center in Ballroom A&B.

A Word from Dr. Mary Coleman

Three weeks ago I met with freshmen class officers and listened to them discuss their first semester at JSU.

The group of five diverse students, from three different states and as many different majors, had plenty thoughts. Most describled their first semester's experience as a remarkable adjustment. They witnessed good teachers and great classes as well as teachers who missed classes and arrived late and underprepared.
They also had misgivings about some teaching assistants' preparation as teachers; one pined for tutorials in economics and all wanted more interaction (mentorship) with faculty beyond the clasroom walls.

All said that if they had to select a college all over again, they would again select JSU.